2024 Spring Clean Gloucester Day!

Clean Gloucester Day is part of the Great American Cleanup, a two-day effort to remove litter and improve community appearance across all 17 cities and counties in Hampton Roads. Community beautification projects include:

Removing litter from roadsides, neighborhoods, beaches, waterways, and parks for cleaner communities

Planting trees, flowers and community gardens to strengthen green infrastructure

Restoring nature trails, parks and playgrounds to encourage outdoor activity

Recycling old or unwanted items junking up your home or yard

Restoring business districts and thoroughfares to encourage economic development

Everyone has a role to play in keeping Hampton Roads beautiful. From individuals to families, school groups to civic organizations, small businesses to large corporations. YOU can make a difference for your community.

Our Clean Community Coordinator Sherry has plenty of supplies for participants... grabbers, buckets, gloves, trash bags, and recording forms.

To register your group please follow the link below and share with others!


Holiday Green Tips